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in Italia per ordini superiori a € 60,00
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Bleaching - Oxidant: Choose the right Shade for you!

Do you want to bleach your hair? Backstage Riccione offers a selection of Technical Products to Bleach your Hair, natural or dyed, to let you achieve the shade you want with simple gestures. Find the product that is good for you and add it to your shopping cart!

The bleaching process is very delicate, in particular on thin and damaged hair, for this reason Backstage Riccione selects for you only the best brands products, for great results! Rely on the best professional brands and choose Echos Line or Crazy Color! 

With our products you are in safe hands! Choose the quality and buy the best products to make a Bleaching with products and Best Oxidants like a true professional! 

At Backstage Riccione online you can find all the necessary to make this application at best, and if you still have any doubt, just call our experts of our Customer Care service and they will suggest you the best products!

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